Visit Official Websites: Go to the official CBSE website at cbse.gov.in or any of the following websites: cbse.nic.in, cbseresults.nic.in, or cbseresults.nic.in.
Access Results Section: Look for the “Results” or “Result” section on the website’s homepage.
Select Class and Year: Choose the appropriate option for your class.
Enter Details: You will be prompted to enter your roll number, school number, and admit card ID. Fill in these details accurately.
Submit and View Results: After entering your details, submit the form. Your CBSE board exam results for the selected class and year will be displayed on the screen.
Save or Print: Once your results are displayed, you can save a digital copy or print it out for future reference
The Central Board of Secondary Education CBSE, class 12 results have been declared today. The board has simultaneously announced the results for both classes. Students can access their CBSE Class 12 Result 2024 via the official CBSE website at cbse.gov.in.
Additionally, results can be checked on cbse.nic.in, cbseresults.nic.in, and results.cbse.nic.in. Furthermore, students can swiftly check their results through digilocker.gov.in and results.gov.in. To access the results online, students will require their roll number, school number, and admit card ID.